About us
Here you will find some information that will give you an overview of our company. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us: pr@eve-olive.com.
Company information
- Eve & Olive GmbH
- Founding year: 2022
- Founders: Johanna Dicks and Julie Meyer
- Location: Brey, Rhineland-Palatinate
- Focus: We focus on baby clothing from 0-2 years that is made from sustainable materials and environmentally friendly. With the materials we use, we want to offer alternative products to clothing made from common, less environmentally friendly materials.
Product range and market
- Sector: E-Commerce/Fashion
- Business and sales model: Own online shop
- Product range: Baby clothing from 0-2 years, basics
- Market: Germany
Mission and values
We produce products from more environmentally friendly and sustainable materials instead of materials that are currently common on the market. We want to create a greener alternative to these products and make our consumption more sustainable. In the long term, we want to become the baby and children's brand for sustainable fashion. Sustainability, fairness, durability and quality are core values of our company.
Press material
We have provided you with our press releases, as well as some pictures and information about our company. The button will redirect you to our Google Drive folder.
To press materialContact
For questions, comments and pictures, please contact: pr@eve-olive.com.